How to Remove PEX Expansion Fittings Easily and Effectively

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Last Updated on July 2, 2023 by admin

PEX expansion fittings are a popular choice in plumbing projects due to their ease of installation and dependable nature. However, they can give you a headache if you need to remove or replace them. Are you tired of struggling with removing PEX expansion fittings? Worry no more.

This blog post offers a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to remove PEX expansion fittings quickly and effectively, ensuring a successful removal without causing damage to your PEX tubing or surrounding areas. Let’s dive into the world of PEX expansion fittings and learn how to conquer them with ease!

Short Summary

  • PEX expansion fittings are a secure, corrosion-resistant plumbing solution.
  • The right tools and techniques must be used for the successful removal of PEX expansion fittings.
  • Safety precautions such as wearing protective eyewear should always be followed when removing PEX fittings.

Understanding PEX Expansion Fittings

PEX expansion fittings, made of either plastic fittings or brass, are used to join PEX pipes together by expanding the end of the pipe and fitting the expansion ring over it. These brass fittings have a life expectancy of 40-50 years, making them a reliable choice for any plumbing project. They are known for being easy to install, corrosion and freeze-resistant, and providing a secure connection.

But before we dive into the removal process, let’s first explore different types of PEX expansion fittings available in the market.

Types of PEX Expansion Fittings

PEX plumbing offers various expansion fittings, including the Uponor (Wirsbo) ProPEX expansion system, cold expansion fittings, and push fittings. The Uponor (Wirsbo) ProPEX expansion system uses proprietary-style expansion fittings, an expander tool, and PEX expansion rings, offering a unique and efficient way to join PEX pipes.

On the other hand, cold expansion fittings are inserted into the PEX pipe and then expanded with a specific tool, making them a popular choice for home improvement projects. Push fittings, which can be easily inserted into the PEX pipe and secured with a simple push, are a convenient option for those new to PEX plumbing or with limited experience in modal window installations.

PEX-A is the type of PEX used for expansion fittings.

Tools Required for Removing PEX Expansion Fittings

To remove PEX expansion fittings, you’ll need some essential tools, including fitting removal tools, PEX tubing cutters, and ratcheting expander tools. A heat gun is used to heat the fitting, a utility knife or razor blade is employed to cut the expansion ring, and pliers are utilized to pull off the fitting. Remember to wear the necessary protective gear when using these tools and always adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure successful removal.

Now that you know the tools required, let’s discuss how to choose the right tool for your specific needs. Consider the size of the fitting, the type of material, and the complexity of the job. If you’re working with a large fitting, you may need a larger tool. If you’re working with a delicate material, you may need a more precise tool.

How to Choose the Right Tool

The appropriate tool for removing PEX expansion fittings depends on the type of fitting and the specific requirements of your project. Available options include crimp rings, cinch clamps, and push-to-connect fittings. Utility knives and PEX cutters can be used, but specialized tools, such as manual or cordless PEX expansion tools and tools for cutting off crimp rings or removing cinch clamps, are also available.

When choosing the right tool, consider the kind of fitting being removed, its dimensions, and the amount of force necessary for removal. Having the right tool not only makes the removal process easier but also ensures the safety and integrity of your PEX plumbing system.

Step-by-Step Guide to Removing PEX Expansion Fittings

Now that we’ve covered the basics, it’s time to dive into the step-by-step process of removing PEX expansion fittings. This guide will take you through heating the fitting, cutting the expansion ring, and pulling off the fitting to ensure a successful removal without causing any damage to your PEX pipes or the surrounding area.

Let’s begin with the first step: heating the fitting.

Heating the Fitting

Heating the fitting is crucial in facilitating its removal by expanding its size. To do this, use a heat gun while maintaining a distance of at least 6 inches from the fitting. Keep the heat gun moving and heat the fitting until it is warm to the touch. This will loosen the connection between the PEX pipe and the fitting, making it easier to remove.

Safety is paramount when using a heat gun. Always wear protective gloves and safety glasses to shield yourself from potential hazards. Keep the heat gun away from flammable materials, and never leave it unattended while in use.

Cutting the Expansion Ring

Once the fitting is heated and loosened, the next step is to carefully cut the expansion ring using a utility knife or razor blade. Make a straight cut away from the fitting, ensuring that you carefully cut the expansion ring without damaging the PEX pipe. Remember to exercise caution while cutting to avoid any nicks or damage to the pipe that could lead to leaks or other issues down the line.

You can also use a saw to remove PEX expansion fittings, but it is suggested to make angled cuts rather than straight cuts for a better outcome. Whichever cutting method you choose, always remember to work carefully and patiently to avoid any damage to your PEX plumbing system.

Pulling Off the Fitting

With the expansion ring cut, it’s time to remove the fitting from the PEX pipe. To do this, use a pair of pliers to grip the ring and twist it off. Alternatively, you can use a heat gun to heat the fitting, making it easier to wiggle the fitting out of the PEX pipe using pliers.

If the ring is still difficult to remove, you can try using a sharp knife or hacksaw blade to cut it further. Be patient and persistent, making sure not to damage the PEX pipe as you remove the fitting.

Once the fitting is removed, you can repair or replace it as needed.

Tips for Ensuring a Successful Removal

how to remove pex expansion fittings

To ensure the successful removal of PEX expansion fittings, follow the recommended procedures, such as heating the ring with a heat gun and cutting it off with a utility knife. Take caution not to cut the tubing and apply additional heat if necessary to ease the fitting out of the PEX. Boiling water can also be used to expand the pipe and fitting, providing an alternative method for removal.

Now let’s discuss some safety precautions to keep in mind throughout the removal process.

Safety Precautions

Safety glasses and gloves should be worn at all times when removing PEX fittings. This is to protect yourself from the sharp edges of the rings and any tools being used. This is especially important when cutting the expansion ring, as the utility knife or razor blade can cause injuries if not handled properly.

If you’re using a Dremel with a grinding disk, remember to wear safety glasses to prevent debris from entering your eyes. By following these safety precautions, you can ensure a smooth and injury-free removal process, allowing you to focus on the task at hand and achieve the best results possible.

Repairing or Replacing PEX Expansion Fittings

Once the PEX expansion fitting is removed, you may need to repair or replace it depending on the condition of the fitting and your plumbing project’s requirements. PEX expansion fittings can be reused, depending on the type of connection utilized. If the fitting is crimped or compressed, reuse is possible. However, if the connection is welded, the fitting must be replaced.

If you’re unable to reuse the removed fitting, you can purchase a new one from a local hardware store or online marketplace. Be sure to choose the appropriate type of fitting for your specific PEX plumbing system and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation to ensure a secure and leak-free connection.

Troubleshooting Common Removal Issues

During the removal process, you may encounter a few challenges, such as damaging the tubing or fitting, the possibility of leaks, or difficulty removing the ring. To avoid these issues, use a tool specifically designed for removing PEX expansion fittings and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.

If you still face difficulties in removing the expansion fitting, don’t hesitate to seek help from a professional plumber or consult online forums and videos for further guidance. Remember, patience and persistence are key to overcoming common removal issues and successfully completing your plumbing project.


In conclusion, removing PEX expansion fittings doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following the step-by-step guide and safety precautions outlined in this blog post, you can easily and effectively remove PEX expansion fittings without causing damage to your PEX pipes or surrounding areas. Whether you’re repairing or replacing a fitting, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and confidence needed to tackle any PEX plumbing project. So go ahead and conquer those stubborn PEX expansion fittings with ease!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you reuse PEX expansion rings?

Yes, you can reuse PEX expansion rings in most cases. Make sure to clean them thoroughly before reusing them and check for signs of damage or wear.

Reusing PEX copper crimp rings is a cost-saving measure that can be beneficial when performed safely and properly.

Can you expand PEX A twice?

Yes, PEX A can be expanded up to twice its diameter with the help of a controlled heating source like a heat gun. Its elastic memory allows it to go back to its original size after expansion.

Thus, making PEX A a good choice for long-lasting plumbing systems.

What are the benefits of using PEX expansion fittings?

PEX expansion fittings offer a great advantage for any DIY plumbing project. They are faster and easier to install than traditional copper fittings, while also being strong and resistant to corrosion and freezing temperatures.

PEX fittings are also more cost-effective than copper, making them a great choice for any budget-conscious homeowner. They are also easy to find in stores.

What tools are required for removing PEX expansion fittings?

For removing PEX expansion fittings, you’ll need a heat gun, a utility knife, and a pair of pliers. These tools will help to easily remove the fittings.

How can I avoid damaging the PEX pipe while cutting the expansion ring?

To avoid damaging the PEX pipe, use a razor blade or utility knife to make a precise and accurate cut on the expansion ring.

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